Saturday, October 1, 2011

How to Catch a Rabbit...

Rachel's Plan A:
1. Locate rabbit in front of cage door.
2. Sneak around back so rabbit doesn't see.
3. when rabbit looks, freeze in place.
4. run towards rabbit.

Rachel's turnout:
- leaves crackle beneath feet
- rabbit runs opposite direction into woods

Rachel's Plan B:
1. Locate rabbit.
2. Tie fresh carrot to string and tie string to wrist for support.
3. Focus on target.
4. Throw carrot connected to string, connected to wrist.

Rachel's Turnout:
- horrible throw
- rabbit sniffs carrot
- Rachel tried pulling back and carrot gets stuck in branches
- rabbit runs away

Mom's Plan A:
1. See rabbit in cage and shut door.

Mom's turnout:
- rabbit safely back in cage

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