Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What this world needs a few more rednecks...

What this world needs is a few more redneck. Some people who ain't afraid to take a stand. What this world needs is a little more respect for the Lord and the law and the workin' man. We could use a little peace and satisfaction. Some good people up front to take the lead. A little less talk and
a little more action. And a few more rednecks is what we need.

I was raised on beans and cornbread and I like my chicken fried. Yes I drive a pickup truck and I'm full of American pride. I keep a Bible on my table. I got a flag out on my lawn. And I don't believe in mindin' no one's business but my own.

And I love them Rambo movies. I think they make a lot of sense. And it's a shame ol' John Wayne didn't live to run for president.

And I don't care what nobody says I don't trust ole Gorbachev. And I don't know who turned him on
but it's time to turn him off.

Now they're tryin' to take my guns away and that would be just fine. If you take 'em away from the criminals first, I'll gladly give ya mine. And I don't mind payin' taxes but it makes my temper itch. When my hard earned money goes to make some politician rich.

What most people call a redneck ain't nothin' but a workin' man. And he makes his livin' by the sweat of his brow and the calluses on his hands. Now you intellectuals may not like it but there ain't nothin' that you can do, cause there's a whole lot more of us common-folks then there ever will be of you.

*lyrics by Charlie Daniels*